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Remote Learning Policy

LWS Online Learning


We strongly believe that good quality on-line learning should be as close to ‘physical’ school as possible.


At LWS we originally made our arrangements prior to March 20th 2020 as we saw this was potentially needed.


Since March 2020 we have adapted and changed our on-line teaching in response to..

1.Parents’ views

2.Students’ views

3.Teachers’ views

4.The improvement of technology

5.The experience of teachers in delivering the curriculum this way.


The School Day

The school day has stayed as close to physical school as possible..

1.All children have to register directly to their class teacher or pastoral tutor by 8:45 a.m. each day.

2.Lessons and breaks start at the same time as physical learning.

3.Homework is due in using the same deadlines as usual.

4.Assemblies, parent meetings, quizzes etc have continued as before. Additional assemblies have been put on as necessary.

We are mindful of the minimum amount of school time the government sets for home learning but have been able to increase this within the school.


Amount of Zoom lessons

We have aimed to have a balanced programme of learning between using on-line learning via Zoom, BBC bitesize etc and written/reading tasks. We have based this on the needs of different groups taking into consideration..

1.The numbers of children within one family

2.The amount of technology available in each family

3.The needs of parents who are remote working

4.Personal views on the use of screen time

5.The age and ability of individual children and classes

6.The need for the school to be planning the log-ins for children who are physically at school and those learning from home.


We decided that as a compromise we would have additional optional on-line activities so that children and parents could choose to have additional screen time e.g.


2.Career talks


4.Special Webinars


Mental Health and Well-being

(Please see policy on this for further information)

At the start of assemblies children have a chance to greet their friends from different classes.

At the beginning of lessons staff make sure the children have time to greet their classmates.

We discuss Covid and lockdown as part of PSHE, assemblies etc e.g a Q and A with Nightingale nurses and a webinar in how the testing works.

Individual pep talks as needed for individual children


Other aspects of School life and arrangements etc.

We send out working books/reading books etc as needed

Teachers mark work and send detailed responses

Teachers send regular emails and comments to children

Newsletters are used to:

a. Inform Parents and students about current measures

b. Congratulate children who have worked hard etc

Questionnaires are used to gage parents and children’s views re:home learning

Parent/teacher meetings, options evenings, annual reviews etc will continue virtually and the SMT and staff will be available as required to arrange Zoom meetings with students and parents


Ever Evolving

The situation re: Covid is forever changing. This document therefore needs to evolve and change as well. It will therefore be updated and reviewed frequently.


Lucy Meyer

Last update 1.3.2021


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