Secondary School
Lloyd Williamson School Foundation believes that each child is an individual.
We create the conditions for that child to reach their own unique potential.
Teachers build positive relationships, working with each pupil to be curious, intellectual and creative. Fear of failure is banished.
Equality and diversity permeate the fabric of our school - we are a family where everyone belongs.
About the School

Guaranteed small classes are integral to the pupil-teacher. Children get the support they need, develop a strong work ethic and maximise and achieve their potential.
Students come from a wide range of backgrounds and abilities, but they are all motivated. We do not compare them with one another; we challenge them against their own goals, limiting anxiety about ‘not keeping up’.
Happy, confident students learn well – they develop a rich and positive sense of who they are and can be.
Ofsted says:
"The headteacher has created a school in which staff are ambitious for pupils and make sure that pupils feel valued."
"Pupils are inquisitive and curious."
"Pupils appreciate highly the friendliness of the school".
You can read our Ofsted report here.

Cambridge IGCSEs
Our secondary students are entered for Cambridge IGCSEs from year 9 upwards. This international qualification gives students more options than any other British or international qualification. There are more subjects to choose from and a variety of methods of assessment including written and oral exams, coursework and practical assessment to suit all learning styles. But we can also offer Eduqas and OCR GCSEs.
Subjects offered include: English Language,
English Literature, Mathematics, French, Spanish, Latin, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Combined science (counts as two IGCSEs), Art, Film Studies (Eduqas), Geography, History, Religious Studies, Drama, Business Studies, PE and Astronomy.​
In 2020, all students achieved grade 7 and above (equivalent to A, A* and A**) and in 2021, all grades were 9 and above, which is stunning. In 2022, a third of the students achieved grade 6 or above. But we are a mixed ability school, so each year can be very different. In 2024, 68% of our student achieved 4 and above, with 16% at 6 or above. Predictions for 2025 are higher.
Careers and Mentoring
Planning for the future starts in years 7 and 8. Students are encouraged to aspire to interesting and diverse futures. Careers Week is held in March every year, with visiting professionals giving an insight into their careers. Activities include enterprise projects, business planning and work experience.
From year 10, all students are individually mentored - coaching and goal setting is used to help them achieve their potential and plan for sixth form, further education and a fulfilling professional life.
Find out more about mentoring here.
Read our careers policy here.

There are four houses - Badgers, Bears, Tigers and Wolves. Children earn house-points for effort, achievement and positive behaviour.
The houses compete at an annual Sports Day which is great fun for all the family. At the end of the academic year, the overall house winner is announced.
Children gain a positive sense of identity by belonging to their house and we have a strong tradition for each house raising money for charity during the year.
Lunches And Snacks
Parents provide their child’s morning healthy snack and we provide water to drink. School lunches consist of good old-fashioned, nutritiously balanced, food cooked from scratch. Menus are available from the School Office.
Our uniform is an essential part of school identity. We expect all pupils to wear the correct uniform which we have kept smart and simple. They also may wear our iconic baseball jackets. Some uniform is available from our supplier, Billings and Edmonds and purchases can be made online or at their shop. Most second hand and new uniform is available for sale from the School Office.

Physical Education
Children participate in a range of activities throughout the week, indoors/outdoors and as part of the school curriculum and after school clubs. These enjoyable activities contribute to the development of skills.
We offer a variety of team sports and swimming in the summer term. We use the pitches at Kensington Memorial Park for afternoon sports.
There is always an opportunity for active play after lunch.
We believe that children learn best when they are happy, safe and comfortable.
To view our curriculum click here.

Lucy Meyer MPhil
Proprietor & Co-Principal
"I want to create a school where every child feels valued and is given the encouragement to become the best that they can be, a place they will leave prepared for the many different directions in which life may take them. This school is a safe, challenging and inspiring environment that builds within each child a passion for life and learning."
Our Staff
We pride ourselves on a happy, motivated and loyal staff team.
Many of our staff members have been with us for years!

Aaron Williams
"We provide education in the vibrant, urban setting that is Portobello Road and Notting Hill Gate. We offer a stimulating, supportive learning environment for a diverse community of happy, confident children who are eager to learn. Our parents value the importance we place on small classes and personalised learning."
School and Nursery Policies are available from the school office, or can be downloaded here.
School and Nursery Prospectus isavailable from the school office, or can be downloaded here.